How are you holding up, BATCH planners? Whether you’re on day 1 or day 10 of quarantine, we can all agree we’re having a hard time remembering if we showered today and that’s it’s totally acceptable to open a bottle of rosé at noon. Hey, we’re not judging. All joking aside, it’s important to stay healthy and focus on your well being while you’re housebound these next few weeks. We have 5 tips to keep your life right on track during this time of uncertainty.

1. Maintain a routine
We get it. Your world is turned upside down right now and your daily Starbucks run is a distant memory. It’s time to establish a new normal by creating a daily routine. Maintain a daily wakeup time and eat a healthy, balanced breakfast—this sets the tone for your day and creates a sense of normalcy. The same goes for lunch, dinner, and bedtime. Determine set working hours as best you can and set a time to unplug and log off.
2. Get outside and exercise
Take a minute to get outside. This can be as easy as a walk around the block to get some fresh air, while maintaining distance from others, of course. If you can’t get outside, try doing 30 minutes of yoga or even a few minutes of stretching for a quick physical and mental break. Try to stretch when you wake up and in the afternoon to break up your day. Maybe even add in a pampering moment here with a face mask.
3. Don’t be afraid to disconnect
It’s easy to fall into the trap of not separating work life and home life when you’re WFH. Do not be afraid to walk away, work can wait. Even if it’s for 10 minutes, make the effort to consciously step away from your computer and make a Google Cal invite to inform your team you’re away. They’ll survive, we promise.
3. Eat healthy
As we said before, in order to rise and grind from home, you have to eat healthily. This goes for lunch, dinner, and snacks throughout the day. If you’re out of ideas for a healthy snack or maybe you’re just afraid to battle the crowds at the store, our friends at Zigii are here to help keep your immune system healthy—just use promo code THEBACH15 when you order, and you’ll save 15%.
Their Stay Well Bundle is filled with snacks like an Eat Your Coffee Bar for a clean energy jolt and a SuperFat Nut Butter Pouch, packed with plant protein to keep your hunger at bay.

5. Create a working space
Separation between home life and work life is key. Your headspace is often a reflection of your physical space. Set up a working space that’s well lit, away from your bed (don’t want to be tempted to nap), and conducive to productivity with a supportive chair.
And lastly, think of this as a time to get your life together. It’s officially spring, so why not finally do a deep clean, throw out that dress you haven’t worn since college, and reorganize your closet? We’re all in this together so take time to call friends or family you haven’t spoken to in a while. Or even lighten the mood with some polls in your BATCH group chat. And most importantly, stay healthy, BATCH goers, and we’ll see your healthy self when it’s time to party again.
What the BATCH fam (join our Instagram) is doing to keep their cool:
- Last night I made myself a “schedule” that I’m trying to stick to! There’s a lot on my plate, so I need to make sure to carve out time for everything!
- Playing jack box games with my BATCHes
- I’ve been cooking a bunch of new recipes and definitely always have CBD on me in case anxiety comes up, with all the supermarkets going empty and everything closed, it’s been a bit stressful but I have a partner and a kitten to keep me company as well 💛💚 hope everyone is staying safe and healthy 🙏🏻🌱
- I have been doing push-ups every hour and making sure to not work from my bed but instead from the dining room table! Trying to stay in a routine!
- Posting online learning activities for my 6th graders at home! And wedding planning 💁🏼
- In-home Pilates workouts + board games and wine w my hunny ❤️ with our 2 dogs of course
- Keeping a set schedule with school, going on runs with my fiancé, and strolling through the neighborhood with the pups!!💕
- Wedding planning all day! While staying positive about things not in my control. Lots of beauty self-care with masks and moisturizers🥰 staying active with my 3 fur babes & cooking for the fiancé❤️
- Home workouts and lots of lemon water and Netflix and champs ❤️😘🍾
- We adopted a rescue dog and are using our time at home for lots of walks, training, and cuddles! She keeps us busy and gives us plenty of love and day to day excitement!
- 21 day fix workouts, exercising outdoors, cleaning of course, creating my wedding registry, and working from home on my computer, keeping an eye on my hotel for my honeymoon to see if the rates go down lol